Kinedu has thousands of video-based activities to help parents support their child’s development.
Babies typically start taking their first steps between 10 and 12 months, but every child is different. Whether it’s at 9 months or 18 months, just remember that your baby will start to walk whenever they are ready. Here are some activities you can do with them to help develop and strengthen their “walking muscles.”
Activity: First steps while holding hands
This activity helps babies 10 to 12 months old develop their gross motor skills. By holding your child’s hands slightly away from you, you can guide your baby to move forward step-by-step with your help.

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Activity: Teaching balance
Give your baby a large object to hold like a toy car or ball, and help them walk while holding it. When babies carry large items, they learn how to adjust their center of gravity and adopt a body stance that is different from when they are walking without carrying anything. This activity helps your baby learn how to maintain balance!

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Activity: Learning to let go
This activity helps babies 10 to 12 months old learn to support themself while standing, with one hand on a piece of furniture and another hand holding yours. The goal is to eventually have them learn to let go of the furniture and take a few steps while holding your hand.
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Activity: Step by step
Help your baby stand up, and lean on a piece of furniture. Step away from them slightly, and slowly move further away while showing them a toy and calling their name. Encourage them to walk towards you until they reach the toy, and repeat. This activity helps your baby practice standing up and walking, and strengthens their gross motor skills.

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Doing activities like these frequently with your baby will help them develop the strength and coordination they need to start taking their first steps. With lots of practice, soon they’ll be walking all by themselves! Download Kinedu for free to access these baby development activities and thousands more to support your child’s growth through play from 0 to 4 years of age.