Prenatal stimulation is very important and its benefits are very valuable for your baby. However, it’s not always possible to have the means or the time to attend a workshop. What you might not know is that prenatal stimulation could be done straight from home in an easy and safe way. All you need is the Kinedu app and a cellphone or computer.
Most of the prenatal exercises for stimulation are easy to do and don’t require much time. Each exercise requires around 5 to 15 minutes. You could talk or sing to your baby to stimulate audition, massage your belly to work on the tactile sense and do some stretches on a yoga mat to work your baby’s vestibular system. The important thing is to do these exercises constantly throughout your pregnancy. Kinedu facilitates the job by giving you the tools needed to practice prenatal stimulation techniques. You choose the time and place! All you need a cell phone or computer and some simple materials to do the activities that Kinedu offers. This way, you can easily work on your baby’s development with prenatal stimulation activities that are backed by science and recommended by experts. What are you waiting for? |

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