As you progress through pregnancy your breasts are getting ready for a really important task: breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is a natural part of motherhood that many take for granted, but it can actually be quite a challenge. But don’t worry, we have some recommendations that can help you in this journey.
Here are some products that can help make your life easier and turn breastfeeding into a smoother experience:
- Nursing bra: These bras are the comfiest, ready to adjust to your size. They have a little flap that opens easily so your baby can eat comfortably without you having to fully undress.
- Nursing pillows: Comfort is the key! These pillows provide the support you need so you don’t get tired while breastfeeding. As your baby becomes heavier, you’ll appreciate having a soft spot to lean on.
- Breast pump: This multifunctional gadget lets you extract a bit of extra milk so you can either store some for later, or have someone else feed the baby. Plus, it helps relieve and prevent breast inflammation, and it can help you improve milk production.
At Kinedu, we love making your life simpler and preparing you for the big day. In our video catalog you can find videos about breastfeeding tips, myths, possible issues, supplies and much more, all straight from a lactation consultant! Explore the Breastfeeding collection today and become an expert in the blink of an eye!