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My baby won’t sleep! What can I do?

little boy playing with mom before bed

Key Points:
1. Separation Anxiety & Bedtime: Babies at around a year old might resist bedtime due to separation anxiety—a normal sign of healthy attachment.
2. Sleep Solutions: Combat sleep struggles by maintaining consistent bedtime routines, creating a comfortable sleep environment, and instilling confidence.
3. Balancing Comfort and Independence: Help your baby develop a sense of security while encouraging self-soothing through gentle techniques and reassurance.


When babies are around a year old, or maybe even younger, they may begin to experience separation anxiety and resistance to go to bed. They want to continue to play and be with their moms; they don’t like that the day is over and don’t want to be separated from mom. If this is your case, don’t worry! Separation anxiety is a perfectly normal reaction and it means that your son is forming a healthy attachment to you. However, this reaction can affect his sleep and yours too! If you are tired, even worried and frustrated, try the following tips:

  • Continue strengthening the night routine to help your child relax, and let him know that it’s bedtime. This routine will give him security because it provides consistency and predictability.
  • Check that his bedroom temperature is comfortable, neither too hot or too cold.
  • Try not to let him stay up late, as it will be harder to put him to bed. Similarly, don’t ley him down very early; try to identify his biological rhythm and take him to bed at the right moment.
  • Stay relaxed and confident. Despite feeling anxious yourself, or even somewhat frustrated, show him that there is no reason to be upset or afraid. If you act confident around your child, he will be calm.
  • Continue placing him in his crib while he’s drowsy but still awake and say good night. You can give him a kiss, rub his back, and tell him you love him very much to give him even more security.
  • During the day, play hide and seek and invite him to search for his stuffed animals to teach your little one that, although he can’t see you, you will appear again.
  • Comfort your baby if he wakes up and can’t get back to sleep, but try to not to overstimulate him by making it a short visit.

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