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Neuropsychomotor Development: Milestones and Developmental Delays

neuropsychomotor development

Neuropsychomotor development is a fundamental process in a child’s life, encompassing physical growth, motor skills, cognition, language, and socio-emotional aspects.

In this article, we will explore what neuropsychomotor development is, address developmental delays, and highlight the most important milestones in each phase. Keep reading to learn more!

What is neuropsychomotor development?

Neuropsychomotor development is a fascinating and essential process in the lives of our little ones. It is during this process that physical and cognitive skills begin to flourish as their neurological, muscular, and sensory systems develop and integrate. Imagine a small world being built within your child’s brain and body, where every neural connection and growing muscle are working together to form the foundation of their development.

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During the early years of life, children go through an incredible period of exploration and acquisition. They begin to control their body movements, learn to roll, sit, crawl, and eventually take their first confident steps. At the same time, their senses sharpen, allowing them to explore the world around them in increasingly complex ways.

But neuropsychomotor development is not limited to motor skills alone. It goes beyond that, also encompassing the ability to learn, communicate, and interact with others. During this process, your child starts to understand the meaning of words, express themselves through language, and engage in games and play that stimulate creativity and socialization.

Milestones of neuropsychomotor development

To monitor a child’s neuropsychomotor development, it is important to be familiar with the typical milestones for each age range. Below are some important milestones of neuropsychomotor development by age:


0-6 months

  • Lift the head when lying on the stomach.
  • Track moving objects with the eyes.
  • Smile and vocalize in response to stimuli.
  • Attempt to reach for nearby objects.
  • Turn the head towards sounds.
  • Move arms and legs in a more coordinated manner.

6-12 months

  • Sit without support.
  • Crawl or roll to move around.
  • Grasp small objects with the thumb and index finger.
  • Babble and imitate sounds.
  • Show interest in their reflection in the mirror.
  • Stand while holding onto furniture or objects.

12-18 months

  • Walk with support or while holding an adult’s hand.
  • Point to objects.
  • Use simple words to communicate.
  • Explore objects with curiosity.
  • Stack blocks.
  • Demonstrate preferences for certain toys.

18-24 months

  • Walk independently.
  • Begin to use short phrases.
  • Engage in pretend play.
  • Identify body parts.
  • Show interest in books and turn pages.
  • Play with pushing and pulling objects.

2-3 years

  • Run and jump.
  • Speak in more complex sentences.
  • Imitate adult behaviors.
  • Identify basic colors.
  • Build towers with blocks.
  • Show interest in interacting with other children.

3-4 years

  • Jump on one foot.
  • Use more elaborate language.
  • Follow simple instructions.
  • Draw basic shapes.
  • Ask questions constantly.
  • Demonstrate interest in pretend play.

4-5 years

  • Jump rope.
  • Dress with minimal assistance.
  • Count to 10.
  • Draw detailed people (head, body, limbs).
  • Demonstrate increased independence in daily activities.
  • Participate in games with simple rules.

Remember that each child is unique and may reach these milestones at slightly different times. However, if there are significant or persistent concerns regarding a child’s neuropsychomotor development milestones, it is crucial to seek medical guidance for proper evaluation and support. And to track all your child’s developmental milestones, be sure to download the Kinedu app!

Delays in neuropsychomotor development

When it comes to identifying delays in neuropsychomotor development, parents play a crucial role as they are the first to observe their children’s behavior and progress. It is important to be attentive to the developmental milestones expected for each age range, as they provide a valuable reference for assessing your child’s progress.

It is essential to remember that identifying a possible delay in neuropsychomotor development is not a diagnosis. Only a qualified healthcare professional can conduct a comprehensive assessment and determine if there is indeed a significant delay. This evaluation may involve observation, questionnaires, specific tests, and analysis of medical history.

We will now present a list of warning signs, divided by age range, that may indicate the need for further evaluation. It is important to note that the presence of one or more signs does not necessarily mean a delay, but it may be an indication to seek professional guidance and ensure the best support for the child’s development.

0-3 months

  • Lack of social smiling by around 3 months of age.

4-6 months

  • Difficulty lifting the head when lying on the stomach after 4 months.
  • Inability to sit unsupported by around 6 months.

7-9 months

  • Lack of attempts to crawl or walk after 9 months.

10-12 months

  • Lack of response to auditory stimuli, such as not turning the head towards a familiar sound.
  • Minimal or no verbal communication, such as lack of babbling or absence of simple words after the first year.

1-2 years

  • Motor difficulties, such as frequently stumbling, struggling to manipulate objects, or hold a pencil.
  • Significant delays in acquiring fine motor skills, such as difficulties buttoning clothes or holding utensils properly.

3-5 years

  • Motor coordination difficulties, such as struggling to jump, run, or catch a ball.
  • Balance and coordination difficulties, including frequent falls or inability to walk in a straight line.

At any age:

  • Repetitive or restricted behaviors, such as stereotyped movements, fixation on specific objects, or difficulty coping with changes in routine.
  • Social interaction difficulties, such as lack of interest in playing with other children, difficulty making eye contact, or understanding basic social cues.

It is important to note that each child may exhibit specific warning signs. Additionally, the presence of one or more of these signs does not necessarily indicate a delay in neuropsychomotor development, but it is recommended to seek professional evaluation if there are concerns. Healthcare professionals such as pediatricians, neurologists, speech therapists, and physiotherapists are prepared to conduct specialized assessments and provide appropriate guidance.

Remember that early support is crucial for maximizing your child’s potential. Appropriate intervention may involve specific therapies, stimulation programs, environmental adaptations, and support strategies. The earlier a delay is identified, the greater the chances of progress and full development for the child.

Be present, observe, inform yourself, and trust your instincts as a parent. You know your child better than anyone, and your love and dedication are invaluable resources in the process of identifying and supporting healthy neuropsychomotor development.To continue closely monitoring and stimulating your baby’s development, remember to download the Kinedu app!

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