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How can I stimulate my baby’s sense of hearing?

pregnant woman placing headphones on her belly

You can stimulate your baby’s hearing with external sounds starting from the fourth month of gestation. Your baby can hear both intrauterine sounds, like the heartbeat, and extrauterine sounds, such as voices and noises from outside the womb. These sounds have to go through the abdominal wall, and sometimes even the spinal column, before reaching the baby’s ears. It’s fascinating!

Keep in mind that the amniotic fluid reduces external sounds, so speaking to your baby in a soft tone wouldn’t be an effective way to stimulate their hearing. However, there are plenty of other ways to practice auditory stimulation that can benefit your baby’s physical and cognitive health.


By properly implementing the auditory technique, you can promote your baby’s alertness. Studies have shown that babies in the womb respond to their mother’s voice with changes in their heart rate and body movement, both of which increase when they hear her voice. Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that using specific sounds can soothe the baby and decrease their heart rate after birth.

Here are some recommendations to stimulate your baby’s hearing:

  • Speak to your baby in a loud, clear, and slow manner.
  • Tell them a story or have your partner read one.
  • Listen to classical music or recordings of natural sounds.
  • Sing a simple song with a clear and slow voice.

Remember to adapt these exercises to your baby’s preferences and reactions. Enjoy these moments of auditory connection and stimulate your baby’s development in a fun and loving way!

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