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What do scientists say about prenatal stimulation?

pregnant woman having an ultrasound

Since 1970, prenatal psychology has been studied as a scientific discipline, and since then, numerous studies have been conducted on the effects of prenatal stimulation. Thanks to today’s technology, the processes of gestation have been studied with greater precision, proving that prenatal sensory stimulation has many benefits.

Scientists such as Thomas Verny, Dr. Beatriz Manrique, and Dr. Rene Van de Carr, among others, have found the following results regarding fetal behavior: At around 22 weeks of gestation, babies in the womb have the ability to react with bodily movements, and open and close their eyes in response to light stimuli. If you’d like to try visual stimulation techniques, you can start by shining a flashlight on the belly, to stimulate your baby’s vision.


Studies have also found that when touching or applying pressure to the abdomen, vibrations are generated and transmitted through the amniotic fluid to the baby’s skin. Some studies and ultrasound examinations have shown that the baby’s heart rate increases when certain pressure is applied to the abdomen. You can use tactile techniques, such as massaging the abdomen with different textures, to stimulate your baby’s sense of touch.

Lastly, the baby’s sense of balance can be developed through motor techniques. Studies have shown that when you are in a position that affects your baby’s balance, they become aware of their position inside the womb, thus working on their sense of balance and perception of movement.

In summary, thanks to scientific and technological advances, we now know more about prenatal stimulation and the incredible benefits it can bring to your baby’s development. From visual to tactile and motor techniques, you have many options to interact with your little one before they come into the world! Take advantage of this special stage and enjoy the wonderful bond you can create with your baby through these techniques, even before meeting them face to face!

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