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Tag: 0-48 months


baby poop color

What do baby poop colors mean?

Key points:1. Observe and understand your baby’s needs from birth.2. Normal baby stool colors are yellow, green, or brown.3. Stool…

drawing of diverse women

Motherhood during pandemic

Key points: International Women’s Day (March 8) celebrates women’s achievements and emphasizes ongoing gender equality efforts. COVID-19 has disproportionately impacted…

mother browsing through computer while her son draws

Kinedu Online

Virtual support for new families Navigate your baby’s first few months of life with guidance from early childhood coaches, developmental…

Paloma playing with her son, Francisco

What does Mother’s Day mean this year?

Key points: Motherhood goes beyond being just a mom, especially during challenging times. Coping strategies include embracing creativity, bonding through…

mother doing a Kinedu activity with her baby

What is the science behind Kinedu?

Key points: Kinedu aims to simplify child development with easy, research-backed activities for parents. Activities are designed to target specific…

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