Terms of use · kinedu rewards
What is kinedu rewards?
kinedu rewards is a loyalty program for our most active kinedu | premium subscribers. With every live class you attend, you earn kinedu points, which bring you close to amazing rewards!
How does it work?
1. This program is ONLY for our kinedu | premium users, meaning you must have an active subscription to be able to participate in our rewards program.
2. To receive kinedu points, you must attend live classes through the app’s Calendar screen by clicking on the “Join Event” button when the event is happening live. For every class you attend, you’ll win 200 points!
3. Every month, we’ll do a tally reset of all kinedu points, meaning you’ll start with 0 points at the beginning of each month. Because of this reset, you’ll need to sign up again on the first days of the month to qualify for a new reward.
Points and reward values
By registering to join our rewards program, you instantly get 500 points. After that, each live class attended gives you 100 points. Points will be automatically granted once you join the live session of your choice ; all you have to do is keep learning! At the end of the month, our team will review each members’ accumulated points, and every member who has reached 3,500 points will win the prize of the month!
The Grand Prize for the month of October is: Guidelines for Food Texture and Shape Based on Age
Our October reward program: Starts on the 1st and ends on the 31st of October
The prizes will be awarded via email once you reach the 3,500 kinedu points.
Redeeming the prizes
Point accumulation will cease on the last day of each month. Any points earned after this date will not be included in the month’s final tally. On the last day of each month, we will close the count of classes attended and if you qualify, you will receive an email with the prize. Look for the email the very first day of the following month. Every month a new prize!
*Points have no monetary value and cannot be accumulated for the next month.
**Kinedu reserves the right to disqualify any member of the program that doesn’t comply with these terms and conditions.
The kinedu rewards program lives under the terms and conditions, and privacy policy of Kinedu, S.A.P.I. de C.V. You can review our Privacy Policy here.
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