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What sounds does my baby remember?

smiling newborn

Attention, moms and dads! Here comes an incredible fact: your baby doesn’t come into this world as a blank slate, but rather, they bring along prenatal memories!

Seriously? Yes, seriously! Studies have shown that newborns react to and remember the sounds they heard during their time in their mother’s womb. Amazing!

With the right stimulation, your little one can:

  • Recognize environmental sounds and even the songs they heard while inside you.
  • Discriminate between your native language and other languages.
  • Recognize your voice! (They hold you in high regard even before being born!)

From the 27th week of gestation, the baby starts perceiving sounds, and exposure to sounds, especially voices, is linked to increased brain activity. But hold on, this has a dangerous side too! Harmful sounds can also affect the baby, so avoid any annoying or detrimental noises that could overstimulate the baby.

Now, the astonishing part of all this is how something as simple as singing or talking to your baby influences their cognitive and linguistic development. Your little one’s favorite voice will undoubtedly be yours! And it seems that recognizing your voice from the prenatal period is closely related to their ability to recognize faces too.

Your baby’s developing brain already has unique learning and memory abilities. So, you know what to do – control those negative noises and nurture your baby with positive sounds while they continue growing and developing in their cozy abode.

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