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Your 2-Month-Old Baby: Milestones, Activities, Sleep & More

2 month old baby

How much should your 2-month-old baby be sleeping, eating, growing, and playing? Find out here.

Congratulations! You have made it through the first two months of your baby’s life. By now, you are settling into all the changes that come after bringing your infant home from the hospital.

Your baby is growing and changing fast, and you’re probably wondering what you can expect this month. Read on to discover everything you need to know about your 2-month-old baby, including 2-month-old baby milestones, weight, height, sleep, activities and more.

2-Month-Old Baby Weight and Height

The average weight and length for a 2-month-old baby are about 12 lbs (5.6 kg) and 22 ¾ in. (57.9 cm). In addition to reaching new growth benchmarks, there are so many exciting new milestones to watch out for!

2-Month-Old Baby Milestones

Some 2-month-old baby milestones to look out for are:

  • Looking at the person speaking to them
  • Voluntarily directing their attention towards a person or a situation
  • Paying attention to an object or person for at least one minute
  • Can turn their head left and right when upright
  • Recognizing their parents
  • Holding their head steadily (but will still need support when carried upright and moved around)
  • Stretching their arms and legs while lying face down
  • Paying attention to their surroundings
  • Raising their legs about 4 inches from the ground while lying face up
  • Fixing their eyes on an object up to 18 inches away
  • Smiling at people when they make eye contact

Download the Kinedu App to track all of your baby’s milestones and progress!

Remember that your 2-month-old baby will not reach all these milestones at once and that each child will reach their milestones in their own time.

How Often And How Much Should My 2 Month Old Be Eating?

At 2 months old, your baby should be starting to take in more formula or breastmilk during each feeding. They will also start to go longer before needing a feeding.

Every child is different, and some 2-month-old babies may still prefer shorter feedings more often, but on average, you can expect your 2-month-old to drink 4-5 ounces per feeding, with each feeding being about 3-4 hours apart.

A good rule of thumb, when it comes to formula feeding, in particular, is to expect to increase 1 ounce per feeding every month before finally reaching 7 to 8 ounces at each feeding.

How Long Should My 2-Month-Old Baby Sleep?

A 2-month-old baby needs a recommended 14-17 hours of sleep a day. While that seems like a lot, and it is, it is important to remember that at 2 months, your little one is still eating roughly every 3-4 hours and won’t be sleeping for an extended time in one stretch.

A typical 2-month-old baby sleeps for a 5 or 6-hour stretch at most, so do not become alarmed or concerned if you and your baby are still waking up for feedings during the night. This is completely normal and expected during these critical first few months of life.

2-Month-Old Baby Activities That Support Their Development

Even though your 2-month-old baby is in their earliest stages of development, there are plenty of ways you can stimulate and encourage their development. There are many 2-month-old baby activities that are simple and easy to do and will benefit your baby in so many ways.  


Here are some simple, age-appropriate activities for babies at 2 months old.

Don’t forget to download the Kinedu App to gain access to 1,800+ activities created by experts in Early Childhood Development!

From Side To Side

  • Development: Physical
  • Goal: To stimulate your baby’s reflexes and strengthen their muscles
  • Skills Practiced: Newborn reflexes and posture
  • Supplies Needed: Mat, Rattle, Pillow or Bouncer

How To:

Begin this activity by sitting with your baby on a mat. Gently hold your baby upright and let their feet touch the surface. See if they push up. Next, lay them down, supported with a pillow or on a bouncer, and grab a rattle. Show it to your baby on one side and then the other, encouraging them to turn their head. This exercise stimulates your baby’s reflexes and strengthens their neck muscles.

Your Hands

  • Development: Social And Emotional
  • Goal: To reinforce the creation of a self-image   
  • Skills Practiced: Secure attachment
  • Supplies Needed: Mirror

How To:

Start by showing your baby their hands and telling them that they are theirs. Be sure to emphasize the use of your baby’s name. Next, bring their hands together to a clap. Repeat both steps in front of a mirror. Continue working in front of the mirror, giving your baby a gentle massage. Repeat the phrase, “What lovely hands you have!” This exercise reinforces your baby’s creation of their self-image.

Mirror Me

  • Development: Health And Wellness
  • Goal: To develop the parent-child bond while changing your baby’s diaper
  • Supplies Needed: Materials needed for a diaper change

How To:

This is a fun way to add a 2-month-old baby activity to something you have to do for your baby many times during the day. As you change your little one’s diaper, get close to their face and make eye contact. Once your little one is looking at you, stick out your tongue.

Give them the opportunity to grasp your facial expression and then repeat the same gesture a couple more times. Does your baby imitate you? Babies are born with all their senses in check. Although they are still developing, their ability to imitate facial expressions contradicts previous beliefs that newborns can’t see well, learn or imitate at this stage of development.

In fact, from birth, they are ready to begin learning! Remember to make lots of eye contact and talk to your 2-month-old baby every day!

There is so much to look forward to as your baby continues to grow, change, and learn!

For access to more than 1800 activities for your child and to get expert advice and guidance through every stage of your baby’s development, download the Kinedu App today.

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