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Child Development

Discover the key milestones of physical, cognitive, linguistic and socio-affective child development and understand the science behind child development.

Discover the key milestones of physical, cognitive, linguistic and socio-affective child development and understand the science behind child development.

little boy balancing on the train tracks

How do children develop their balance?

Key Points: Balance involves maintaining controlled body positions during static and dynamic activities, requiring the integration of the vestibular, visual, and proprioceptive systems….

family having a stroll with their dog

Physical activity for toddlers?

Key points: Many children under 5 years old fail to meet the minimum physical activity guidelines, and research suggests they should engage in…

three mothers and their babies smiling
Social & Emotional

Why are playdates important?

Key points: Playdates provide important opportunities for children to practice and develop social and emotional skills alongside their peers. To make playdates successful,…

little boy holding money in his hand

How to help children learn about money

Key points: Giving children a small fixed allowance and allowing them to self-manage it can influence spending behavior and help them develop sophisticated…

baby patting a little cat
Social & Emotional

Developing empathy towards animals

Key points: Toddlers and pre-kindergarten children often inadvertently behave in ways that are not kind to animals, but early education about kindness to…

two siblings hitting a piñata in a birthday party
Social & Emotional

2 to 4-year-old’s birthdays parties

Key points: Celebrating a toddler’s birthday should be simple and fun, with minimal fuss. Guest lists should consist mostly of well-known and liked…

parents and little girl in a restaurant
Social & Emotional

How to handle restaurants with a toddler

Key points: Eating out with a young child can be challenging due to the unfamiliar environment and sounds of busy restaurants. Planning ahead…

newborn reflexes

What are the newborn reflexes?

Key Points: Newborn reflexes are innate survival mechanisms that protect infants from harm and indicate the proper functioning of the brain and nervous…

smiling girl playing with a piano

How does music boost language development?

Key points: 1. Singing to infants, like lullabies and nursery rhymes, is a vital part of language development, preparing them for language acquisition…