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Tag: 37-48 months


Kids pronouncing tongue twisters

Rhymes and tongue twisters

Key points: Babies learn language from listening to people around them, and as they get older, they start to comprehend…

Woman introducing solids to babies

A speechy start to solids

Introducing solids to a baby is very exciting. And since we use the same parts of our mouth for eating…

little boy surrounded by numbers

Math skills 36-48 months

Key points: Children at this stage have developed basic math skills and are starting to understand the concepts of parts…

giraffe toy with wheels

Benefits of mechanical toys

Key points:1. Toys provide a valuable opportunity for children to learn and explore.2. Mechanical toys, like building blocks and shape…

little boy running

Ready? Let’s run!

Key points: Running is a significant gross motor skill development milestone between 18-36 months. Encourage activities that improve balance and…

sad little boy sitting by himself

Absence: Curiosity killer

Key points: Lack of engagement can be a major curiosity killer for children, and engaging with them while they explore…

little girl picking a flower

Restrictions: Curiosity killer

Key points: Early childhood exploration is key to learning, but parents may unintentionally restrict their child’s learning due to safety…

scared little boy hugging a stuffed animal

Fear: Curiosity killer

Key points: Fear helps us identify threats and has been a successful survival mechanism for centuries. Babies are born with…

little girl brushing her teeth

Hand coordination: 36-48 months

Key points: Children around the age of four develop increased control over their fine motor skills, including hand coordination and…

mom kissing her son while playing a board game

The benefits of board games

Key points: Games have been shown to improve cognitive abilities and can even prevent dementia later in life. Playing board…

parents and little girl reading a book

Language skills: Grammar

Key points: Grammar development starts at a young age and is crucial in helping children express their ideas clearly. Exposure…

little girl in a cape jumping to her mom's arms

Becoming a jumping master

Key points: Jumping is an important gross motor skill that children can develop through different activities that focus on muscle…

fun activities to help with pronunciation

8 activities to improve pronunciation

Key points: Language development begins early and involves mastering sounds. Encourage clear pronunciation through fun activities and examples. Bingo, tongue…

babies in a play date

Play date tips & tricks

Key points: Establish clear ground rules for behavior and play during the gathering. Provide healthy, protein-rich snacks to keep the…

curiosity and learning: little boy playing with flowers outdoors

What is curiosity in children?

Children are born curious and as they grow their curiosity and learning grow with them. Curiosity has been characterized as…

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