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Child Development

Discover the key milestones of physical, cognitive, linguistic and socio-affective child development and understand the science behind child development.

Discover the key milestones of physical, cognitive, linguistic and socio-affective child development and understand the science behind child development.

authoritative parenting style
Social & Emotional

Do you have an authoritative parenting style?

Key points: Authoritative parenting combines warmth and limits, using positive reinforcement and reasoning instead of harsh punishments. Key differences between authoritative and authoritarian…

how to discipline a toddler
Social & Emotional

How to discipline a toddler (and keep everybody happy)

Key points: Effective discipline involves understanding the reasons behind a toddler’s actions. Instead of asking “”what’s wrong with them,”” consider “”what’s going on?””…

family meditating and relaxing
Social & Emotional

5 quick tips to keep calm in quarantine

1. Create me-time Every. Single. Day. Whether you are working full time, caring for a child, working inside the home, working outside of…

new Kinedu logo and branding

Kinedu gets a new look and new features

Key points: Kinedu emphasizes the importance of small daily changes in early childhood development. The rebrand signifies a focus on purposeful play and…

should schools reopen
Child Development

Should schools reopen? What scientists say

Kinedu helps you navigate parenting with science-based guidance – so we looked to experts to tackle this hard question. As fall draws near,…

baby talking

How to encourage your baby to talk

Key points:1. Speech development strategies:0 to 12 months: Narrate daily activities, make interactions fun, give praise.8 to 14 months: Choose a topic, have…

Tummy time baby
Child Development

Bring some fun to tummy time!

Kinedu helps parents make tummy time enjoyable with fun activities you can do with your baby at home. You’ve probably heard about how…

first steps activities
Child Development

First steps: Activities for your baby

Kinedu has thousands of video-based activities to help parents support their child’s development. Babies typically start taking their first steps between 10 and…

happy parents playing at home with their kids

A speechy quarantine

Here are what I’m calling my quarantine-4: my top speechy activities for passing the days with your little friend in tow at home!…

Happy father with his 3 daughters
Social & Emotional

The power of Dad: Tips for new fathers

Science-based insights from Kinedu’s Chief Executive Dad. Key points: Active fatherhood during the first 1,000 days of a child’s life is crucial for…

father playing with his baby
Social & Emotional

What does science say about the dad brain?

Key points: Dads, like moms, undergo significant brain changes when becoming parents, challenging the notion that parenting instincts are solely maternal. Studies reveal…

parents reading a book to their baby
Social & Emotional

How to raise race-conscious children?

Key points: Expose children to diverse viewpoints, people, and stories to foster empathy and open-mindedness. Addressing race is crucial for children’s development; avoiding…

parents playing with their baby at home

Are your baby games becoming repetitive?

Key points:1. Babies benefit from repetition for brain development and feeling secure. Exploring the same activity repeatedly helps in forming and strengthening neural…

dad and young son watching a movie at home
Social & Emotional

10 ways to promote quality family time

Key points: Importance of family time: A positive parental relationship is crucial for a child’s behavioral, physical, and cognitive health, as stated by…

2 month old baby smiling to caregiver

Mi baby starts to pay attention

During their first month, your baby spent most of the time sleeping and eating. That’s totally normal, but, as time goes by, you’ll…

baby reaching for a rattle

Does your baby reach objets?

Key points: Babies progress quickly in their first few months, with newfound hand coordination allowing them to interact with their surroundings. Between 3…

baby learning to stand up by herself

My baby can stand up by herself!

Key points: Babies acquire muscular strength and coordination by practicing standing up with support. After gaining confidence, babies will try to stand up…

Mom helps her baby to stand up in the crib

How can I help my baby stand up?

Key points: The article highlights the excitement of babies being able to stand up and see the world from a different perspective. The…