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Child Development

Discover the key milestones of physical, cognitive, linguistic and socio-affective child development and understand the science behind child development.

Discover the key milestones of physical, cognitive, linguistic and socio-affective child development and understand the science behind child development.

father holding his daughter as if she was flying
Social & Emotional

How parents help babies develop a Theory of mind

Key points: Theory of Mind is understanding others’ mental states (emotions, intent, beliefs). It’s a fundamental cognitive ability developed through social interactions. Early…

baby on his tummy playing with a ball

Baby’s muscle development

Key points: Muscle tone is an important factor in a baby’s physical development and affects milestones like sitting, standing, and walking. Babies have…

little girl feeding her teddy bear

The benefits of “toy talk” 

Key points: “Toy talk” is a new technique proposed by the University of Illinois to improve language skills in children. Toy talk consists…

parents and little girl reading a book

Learning grammar skills 

Key points: Grammar development starts at a young age and is crucial in helping children express their ideas clearly. Exposure to language is…

little girl in a cape jumping to her mom's arms

How to help your child become a jumping master

Key points: Jumping is an important gross motor skill that children can develop through different activities that focus on muscle strength, balance, proprioception,…

little boy dressed up as a king

Dressing up for pretend play 

Key points: Dress-up play enhances brain development in children and fosters cognitive abilities, neural connections, and executive functions. Dressing up as a superhero…

father and son playing to shave

How do babies learn during these first years?

Key points: Early childhood is a crucial stage for building the foundation of core capabilities. Babies learn through interaction and practice, with imitation…

baby jumping on a trampoline

Jumping… It’s easy, right?

Key points: Jumping is a significant task for toddlers that requires courage, balance, strength, and body coordination. Toddlers typically start testing their ability…

fun activities to help with pronunciation

8 activities to improve pronunciation

Key points: Language development begins early and involves mastering sounds. Encourage clear pronunciation through fun activities and examples. Bingo, tongue twisters, and guessing…

baby girl learning to walk holding her parent's hands
Key Milestones

When do babies learn to walk?

Key points: Walking is a major developmental milestone for a child. Preceding walking, skills like supine kicking and pulling up are crucial. Walking…

baby with clenched fists
Key Milestones

When do babies stop clenching their fists?

Key points: Newborns have natural survival reflexes and limited control over their movements. Babies initially keep their hands clenched in fists, a reflex…

babies in a play date
Social & Emotional

Tips for play dates

Key points: Establish clear ground rules for behavior and play during the gathering. Provide healthy, protein-rich snacks to keep the children energized and…

curiosity and learning: little boy playing with flowers outdoors

What is curiosity in children?

Children are born curious and as they grow their curiosity and learning grow with them. Curiosity has been characterized as the joy of…

mom hugging her premature baby
Child Development

Premature baby’s growth and development

Contrary to what you might think, most premature babies have a healthy development. Those born earlier or with low birth weight are more…

baby on his tummy
Child Development

Why is tummy time extremely important?

Key points: Tummy time is critical not only for physical development but also for brain development. The brain stem, which is crucial for…