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Search Results for: language development – Page 7

little boy laughing and playing with an abacus

Math skills 24-36 months

Key points: Children develop number awareness by recognizing numbers, understanding how counting works, and learning one-to-one correspondence. Sorting and classifying objects is an…

little boy stacking blocks

Math skills 12-24 months

Key points: Early mathematical concepts in children are developed through their routines, experiences, and interactions with their environment and caregivers. Children’s number sense…

little boy running

Helping Your Child Running

Key points: Running is a significant gross motor skill development milestone between 18-36 months. Encourage activities that improve balance and spatial skills. Active…

little girl brushing her teeth

Hand coordination: 36-48 months

Key points: Children around the age of four develop increased control over their fine motor skills, including hand coordination and using utensils. Development…

baby holding his baby bottle

Hand coordination: 0-12 months

Key points: The first year of a child’s life is a period of rapid physical development, including the development and refinement of fine…

mom holding her baby to her chest while lying down on bed

Head control: 1-2 months

Key points: Babies develop head control and muscle tone during their first few months of life. Tummy time is the most recommended activity…

parents and little girl reading a book

Learning grammar skills 

Key points: Grammar development starts at a young age and is crucial in helping children express their ideas clearly. Exposure to language is…

mom showing a blue teddy bear to her baby
Child Development

Early childhood: Learning through play

Playing is nature’s own formula for learning.  Playful interaction is fundamental for the healthy development of your baby and toddler and it’s the…

father playing with his baby
Child Development

Father-time matters: Tips for new dads

It’s only natural for new dads to want a little reassurance and support when it comes to their role and relevance in their…

parallel play
Social & Emotional

What is parallel play?

Key points: Parallel play is a normal stage in a child’s development, where they play on their own but near their peers without…

little boy pretending to mow the lawn as his father
Social & Emotional

Why does your child imitate you?

Key points: Imitation plays a crucial role in a child’s socio-emotional development, influencing their habits, expressions, points of view, word choices, and decision-making…

baby self-feeding with a spoon
Social & Emotional

At what age do babies eat by themselves?

Key points:1. Between 8-12 months, expect your child to explore food and eating, which can be messy and playful.2. Encourage their independence and…

toddlers learning numbers and letters

How to teach number concepts to my child?

Key points: Mathematical concepts in young children develop through their daily play experiences. Around age two, children start distinguishing between small and big…

baby boy an father playing with toy cars

How can I teach my child problem-solving skills?

Key points: Children of all ages face problems and challenges. Teaching problem-solving involves four roles: observer, supporter, facilitator, and model. Encourage balanced and…

analogical reasoning

How do children develop analogical reasoning?

Key points: Analogical reasoning is an advanced skill essential for human thinking. Children develop analogical reasoning through knowledge and executive function skills. Executive…

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