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Social & Emotional

Discover the key milestones of physical, cognitive, linguistic and socio-affective child development and understand the science behind child development.

Discover the key milestones of physical, cognitive, linguistic and socio-affective child development and understand the science behind child development.

little girl choosing her clothes
Social & Emotional

My little one wants to choose what to wear

Key points: Preschoolers express a need for independence, often visible in clothing choices. Allowing children to choose their clothes promotes safe self-expression and…

little boy crossing his fingers behind his back while lying
Social & Emotional

Nurturing honesty in preschoolers

Key points: Lying is a normal behavior for preschoolers as they learn social and emotional skills. Preschooler lies are often not malicious and…

two siblings hitting a piñata in a birthday party
Social & Emotional

My young kid’s birthday party

Key points: Celebrating a toddler’s birthday should be simple and fun, with minimal fuss. Guest lists should consist mostly of well-known and liked…

parents and little girl in a restaurant
Social & Emotional

Surviving dinning out with your toddler

Key points: Eating out with a young child can be challenging due to the unfamiliar environment and sounds of busy restaurants. Planning ahead…

parents using baby talk to speak to their baby girl

What’s the importance of baby-talk?

Why do, all of a sudden, adults become fluent in “motherese” or baby-talk when there’s a baby in the proximity? Key Points: 1….