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Discover the key milestones of physical, cognitive, linguistic and socio-affective child development and understand the science behind child development.

Discover the key milestones of physical, cognitive, linguistic and socio-affective child development and understand the science behind child development.

baby on his tummy
Child Development

Why is tummy time extremely important?

Key points: Tummy time is critical not only for physical development but also for brain development. The brain stem, which is crucial for…

mom helping her baby walk towards her father

How does child development occur?

Key points: Development is not a linear process, but rather a complex and multifaceted journey. Early childhood development is domain-specific, with each area…

baby being fed baby food

How is the sense of taste developed?

Key points: Taste is a complex sense influenced by various factors like texture, smell, and appearance of food. Taste buds begin forming in…

mom and little girl plating seeds in plastic cups

Tips for school holidays

Key points: School break activities are vital for stimulating and entertaining your child. Tips include maintaining a schedule, planning daily activities, organizing playdates,…

baby girl holding a brush as if it was a telephone

How is your baby’s talking timeline?

Key points:1. Children’s language development progresses in distinct stages during the first few years.2. Babies start with vowel and guttural sounds, then focus…

little boy playing hopscotch

From big to small muscles

Key points: Physical development includes gross and fine motor skills, involving large and small muscle movements. Milestones like crawling and scribbling indicate your…

baby playing with a bead maze

Why hand and finger control are so important

Key points: Hand control and finger strength are essential for your child’s development. Fine motor skills, including finger positioning and isolation, underpin many…

baby boy standing in front of a stair's barrier

Preparing your home for your crawling baby PART 2

Key points: Childproof your home by addressing furniture with sharp edges and hard corners, especially coffee tables. Secure electrical outlets with sliding panels…