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Search Results for: reading – Page 6

mom walking her children to school
Social & Emotional

5 back to school tips

Key points: Setting up expectations can help make the transition back to school stress-free for children. Using positive language and “get to” statements…

father and baby boy playing with blocks i

Your child’s executive functioning skills

Key points: Trillions of connections made in a child’s brain during their first years are crucial to their early wiring and pruning process,…

father tickling his daughter
Social & Emotional

Happy father’s day

Key points: Fathers have a unique role in their child’s life, providing emotional support and promoting inner growth and strength, offering a sense…

grandparent and grandchildren reading together
Social & Emotional

The importance of grandparents

Key points: Grandparents have an important role in a child’s development and can have measurable effects on each other’s psychological well-being. Grandparents are…

little boy making language signs

How can I use baby sign language with my baby?

Key points: 1. Baby sign language encourages early communication. 2. It reduces frustration and supports language development. 3. Start with simple, meaningful signs…

baby learning to crawl

At what age do babies crawl?

Key points: Crawling usually occurs between 8-10 months, but the window for crawling can start around 6 months. Look for early signs like…

smiling baby crawling

The many skills involved in crawling

Crawling is an important part of your baby’s development. They’re now getting mobile, so prepare to be chasing them around from room to…

two siblings and mom reading a book

Why are routines so important to children?

Key points: 1. Routines foster self-control by providing children with a sense of security and predictability. 2. They promote positive behavior and teach…

analogical reasoning

How do children develop analogical reasoning?

Key points: Analogical reasoning is an advanced skill essential for human thinking. Children develop analogical reasoning through knowledge and executive function skills. Executive…

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